Saturday, 28 September 2013

Happiness is a journey, not a destination

         Once upon a time, there lived a musk deer. It had great time with it's mates wandering over mountains and roaming along the green wood shades. Suddenly it's awareness shifted towards an exquisitely pleasant divine perfume. This aroma profoundly touched it's soul, and the scent was addictive enough to drive it crazy about the source of fragrance. The deer started it's desperate search day and night, without caring for food and sleep, for cold and heat. It runs faster and faster in the fear of never finding the source of thrilling aroma. Whenever the deer thought to rest for a while, it was provoked by the fragrance and would begin with the mad search again. It eventually went so restless and exhausted, that it drops down to the ground, and couldn’t get up back despite it's utmost attempts. The deer took it's last breathe in grief, desperation and dissatisfaction for it's inability to find the source of 'Kasturi' . Well, how would the poor deer know, the most intoxicating smell of kasturi which spread it's fragrance all around, comes out from its own navel?

         The secret source of kasturi would have been probably revealed to the deer, if it would open it's inner spiritual eye, to sense the intensity of the smell within, instead of blindly roaming all around the world in search of fragrance. Aren't we humans just like musk deer?
  We keep running behind 'something' all our life and we never know, what is that 'something' behind which we are running so desperately. In your fast pace of life, if you make some space for yourself and ask your inner soul to find the answer, your ultimate answer, no doubt will be fructification of 'Happiness'.  

                   Just like oil in the til seed,
                   Like fragrance in the flower,
                   Like fire in the wood and
                   Essence in the food,
                  Happiness is hidden within our soul.
         Happiness is not just a feeling, it is the state of harmonious being, a state of satisfaction and contentment, and therefore regarded as the first step towards our spiritual journey. Most of the things we desire in life are profoundly expensive, but the things we truly need and deserve are for free of cost. Yes, taking a decision to be happy doesn't cost you a penny. Happiness is not a chase of lucky moments, rather it is a matter of conscious choice.
         We can count our blessings or misfortunes, we can count our smiles or tears, our loved ones or hatred, we can make life either miserable or happy and resilient. It is entirely up to you, to decide what you love to count. You can complain, rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice thorn bushes have roses in it. Life is a beautiful festival to be celebrated. And it's a privilege to be born as a human to enjoy this celebration. We live in warmth shelter, we choose the house we would love to live in, we can prepare the food we choose to eat, we can watch the show we enjoy, we can read the stuff we choose, we are flooded with technologies all around to make life simpler. Moreover, we have thousand ways to distract ourselves from worries and stress of daily life. So life is entirely blossomed with options and opportunities. It's always been the matter of choice for human beings, perhaps unique among all animals. Life of other animals is often viewed as an earnest struggle to survive, for shelter, food and existence. The impressive fact about them is that, they have developed the ability to adapt, for what the nature brings and actively move on in life. Despite being aware of the fact, neither we nor our problems are meant to be here forever, we complain, fear, worry, accept defeat and choose to quit even for the smallest problem of ours. People who love to complain, themselves create the reason to complain, just like silk worm, rolling silk around its own body. Chill, you aren't the only person on this earth who own all the problems. Expecting your problems to come to an end, to begin your journey of happiness is as good as 'expecting a rainbow without rain'.
         It's well said, 'being happy doesn’t mean, everything is perfect, it just means that you have decided to look beyond imperfections'. Circumstances and situation do colour life, but you have always been given the choice to choose your colour. You always have an optimistic perspective to look at the situations. There is no perfect life, but you can fill it with perfect moments. The ball of happiness is always in your court. Then why not decide to lead a life filled with excitement, love, joy, fun, happiness and contentment? Why not suck the nectar of this sweet life?

         Materialism is ruling the world and we are so struck in this vicious cycle of running behind materialistic luxuries to find happiness. Ofcourse to certain extent luxuries, success, name, fame bring a sense of achievement and delight. But is such delight reliable and permanent? I shall rather call it a 'momentary pleasure' than happiness. Because, if we have an Audi today, we wish for a Ferrari tomorrow, if we are wearing a gold necklace, soon our eyes capture a diamond one, if we have a 3G mobile, our mouth waters for 4G , if we have an iPad 4, our heart beats faster for iPad 5. Isnt this true? Is there any dead-end for human desires? No, we never know full stop, but only comma's for our wishes. We often keep postponing our happiness. We proclaim, "I will be happy after completing my education, we further postpone saying, after having a good job, after getting married, after owning a house, after having children, after buying a four wheeler, after getting retired, after children's marriage, after playing with grandchildren....and this list never ends. Time flies too quickly to realize, ‘Happiness is a journey and not a destination'. A happy person is the one who is cheerful with moderate means, and an unhappy person is the one who is discontented in the midst of plenty. Why set milestones for happiness when we never know which is our last breathe? Why regret our last moment, when it's entirely our choice to say in satisfaction that, "I have lived my life to the fullest" ? Why not fortune ourself to die with a smile of content?
         With your decision, you can chase down the butterfly of happiness and make it sit on your shoulder. Ofcourse, there is no perfect way for happiness but surely, there is a way to influence our subconscious to experience the Zest of happy life. So here is a bundle of tips, when knotted together brings out the strength of fostering your subconscious positively.


Wake up with smile and simply enjoy the simplest things

         A quote says, “Well begin is half done". A soothing begin will surely make your day. Wake up with the best possible feelings that can bring a beautiful curve on your lips. Step-on the magic carpet of imagination. Think of anything and everything you love, the rising sun, the blooming buds, dew drops on leaflet, wet green grass, the sweet voice of nightingale, colorful butterflies, the flowing water, the music of rain, a sparkling rainbow, a beautiful girl, naughtiness of a child, moment spent with your loved ones, warmth of your partner or anything  else that can bring a genuine smile on your face to kickstart your day.
         One who knows the art of living, finds happiness even in our routine habits, just like taking a shower, a cup of coffee or window shopping. Well have you ever enjoyed the fragrance, foam and warm water that rejuvenates your every cell? Fragrance, incense can boost your mood to peak. And thats the reason behind the traditional idea of burning incense sticks, especially in the evening to forget the tedious pressures of the day and rest in peace. Life looks beautiful for the people, who decide to simply enjoy the simplest things. "There are only two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is miracle, the other is as though everything is miracle".

 Have a goal for life

         It's said, “if you want to be happy, tie your life to goals, not to people and things" . Yes, goals excite and motivate us. They give direction for life, a meaning and purpose for living. Goals drag us from unwanted thoughts and push us forward to try something new every day, which ultimately makes us happy. Dream big, future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams.

Have a passionate hobby

         Hobby is something that brings creative spark, self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement. It is not just an activity to kill time, but hobby is something that you really are passionate about. Hobbies like music, art, craftwork, dance, reading books, writing an article, painting, collecting certain materials and so on can make a huge difference. Feel good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are released when you are tuned with your hobby. Hobbies add spice and flavors for living and take you to ecstasy.

 Take it easy policy - Philosophy of a sportsman

         Playing a sport is ‎genuinely funful. It makes you feel refreshed and detached from the rest of the world. It helps you increase your focus and keeps you attentive. Although, watching a sport or playing a game is an option for you, philosophy of a sportsman (a sportsman spirit) is something that is mandatory, to handle the battle between success and failure. Life is a race with other individuals who almost have same talent and capabilities. There is no guarantee that victory is always yours. Sportsman spirit is something that assists us, how to endure defeat with patience and rise back after a failure. A true sportsman spirit applauds a good play, cheers the team, follows ethics and doesn't cheat in the temptation of success. It aids a total emotional well-being. Having a 'goal for life' is a major ingredient in the recipe of happiness but it doesn't taste well without a sportsman spirit, added to it. Goals without hope and an attitude to recuperate can only bring frustration and disappointment. Be a boomerang so that you can enjoy your journey towards your destination (your goal).

Meditate - connect to yourself

         We have all heard on benefits of meditation. Meditation helps us to self-regulate our thoughts and mind process. We obtain calmness, peace of mind, joy, vibrant health, greater energy levels, strong bonded relationships and long lasting happiness through meditation. But isn't there something that is stopping you from meditating? I have a strong feeling that, knowing about origin, facts and scientifically proven results on meditation will be a true motivation to begin with meditation . In the midst of our busy day we cannot force ourself to sit aside at a place and start to meditate, unless you are inspired by the history and impressed by the proofs.

         The history of meditation dates all the way back to ancient times. When we go back to know more about the origin of meditation, it gives a very misty vision, with one clear thought that unfolds the strong reason behind the genesis of meditation and that was,'desire of man, to know about the fascinating mysteries of mind'. Meditation is said to be developed in Eastern cultures and it has well documented proof on it's benefits, right from era of civilization. Earlier written records about meditation come from Hindu traditions of Vedantism - philosophy of Self-realization around 1500 BCE. It is also said Tantric meditation was developed by South Indian tribes, for self-discovery of conscious mind, around ten thousand years ago .The 'Pali canon' which dates 1st century BCE considers Indian Buddhist Meditation as the step towards salvation.
         Benefits of Meditation was well known to all the scholars, monks, philosophers who went in search of spiritual truths like quest of life, purpose of existence, true happiness... which in turn was the sole purpose of their meditation. Let’s turn back the pages of history to know about few great philosophers, thinkers, scientists and artists who got answers to their quests through mindful meditation.
         Gautam Buddha, Adi Shankaracharya, Madhvacharya, Socrates, Descartes, Prophet Muhammed, Shree Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Raman Maharshi, Sant Guru Nank , Mahaveera, Dalai Lama, Osho ,Mozart ,Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley and many more. Their approach on the ways of meditation might be different, but the motto was one, 'Spiritual bliss'. Some of our great scientists like Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Nikola Tesla, Aage Bohr used few meditative techniques. There is a quote by Albert Einstine which says," Meditation is the way to get answers even before you asked questions". Sir Issac Newton says, "A practice of holding a subject and calmly letting it develop could be possible through unbroken meditation".
         Meditation activates the inner intellect which already knows the hidden magnificence of the world. Meditation, in its own way has the power to reveal the facts of life, and that’s the reason behind which our saints and scientists meditated hours together, to know extraordinary truths, facts and figures of life, which was out of reach for an ordinary person. The strong reason, behind which they are loved, respected and worshiped even today. Aren’t we the followers of these great people? Then why not follow their footsteps in learning the secret of happiness and knowledge, through meditation?
         Well, in today’s electronic world, critical analysis and scientific results are valued much more than history and stories. Yes, it is scientifically proved by 'Wisconsin-Madison' research team about the lasting positive changes in brain and immune function after meditation. Earlier research had proved - for happy and positive people left part of the frontal area is more active than its right. The 'Wisconsin-Madison' research team measured electrical activity in the frontal part of brain (Area of emotions) of a group of people (after meditation) and had a hypothesis which said, "the people who meditated had increased activation in the left side of frontal region and had a better immune system".
         So historically, traditionally, philosophically and scientifically, its been proved that meditation can renew your enthusiasm to reach the state of spiritual bliss and intense joy. Mathieu Richard, who's been proved as the worlds happiest man says," Those who say they dont have enough time to meditate should look at the benefits. If it gives you the resources to deal with everything else during the other 23 hrs 30 mins, it seems a worthy way of spending 20 mins". These lines  have always motivated me, to start with my meditation.
So if you are looking for an activity that can lead you to a serene and fascinating life, it is definitely meditation.

Be an optimist and have an attitude of gratitude

         There is a wonderful quote which says, "It's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy". Life without gratitude is like mobile without currency or tea without sugar which can never be fully enjoyed.
         I had been for a trip to Agumbe, with my friends to view the most stunning sunset. But unfortunately, on that particular day, what we could see was only, the shades of grey painted on sky, the dense clouds. After a while there was a rainstorm because of which we had to skip our future plans for the day and had to stay back at the resort nearby. Four of us, had shared a room and we ordered the service of pakoda's with hot coffee to our room. We were unhappy with the bad weather ,flopped sunset view, postponed future plans and were discussing about the same until, I just thought to sit beside window to have my pakoda's with coffee, until my eye sight shifted towards a puppy, which was fully drenched in rain, was shivering and trying to seek protection beneath the car. The view was a sort of enlightenment for me. That particular moment I truly realized how lucky I am, to have such a cozy room to comfort myself and warmth of a hot cup of coffee with which I can enjoy the rain. I immediately closed my eyes and said, "thank you Lord for blessing me with the best possible gifts of the world". Again, it was a different thought that we could bring the puppy to my room, but well, how would we do the same for all the puppies, cubs of the world? A beautiful poem suddenly popped up on my mind.

"Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!" 

         Life's experiences are like seasons, which often keeps changing. We can complain the extremities or simply be thankful for an umbrella during monsoon, sweater during winter or for a fan during summer .
         We often have dissatisfaction and unrealistic expectations from life. We often forget to say thank you for everything we have. Lets imagine an instance. Say, if you are helping your friend with some money (the best possible you can) to initiate his business. And instead of thanking you for the support, if his attitude said, "I was expecting lot more from you, this is the least help that anybody would do for a friend to start his business." Don’t you feel like saying, "Good bye boss, enjoy your business, leave me alone.."? I would definitely move out thinking, no more giving to the people whose expectations and complaints never end, despite giving my best to them and especially, when I receive no single sweet word of gratitude, instead I always keep receiving list of more expectations".
         The nature naturally does the same with us, when we don’t acknowledge the beautiful gifts with a greeting of thanks. If we don’t have an attitude of gratitude, gradually nature will stop giving the precious gifts, snatch your present happiness and leaves you broken and despair all your life. This is the law of nature, the law of attraction. The greed of wanting more can never keep you happy and excited.
         To summarize, be an optimist and make your optimism come true. Never forget to show gratitude for everything you have in your life today. We are in the midst of opportunities and blessed with the priceless gifts like, our parents, family, friends, life partner, health, home, education, wisdom, food, fire, air, water, our organs, beautiful nature, technologies and lot more. If not all, don’t we have at least some of them wrapped with few more individual blessings like different skills set and talents? We are flooded with the reasons to say thank you, right from morning tooth brush that keeps your teeth healthy, to the night cozy blanket, that keeps you warm all night. Uttering the magical words "thank you" with the true feel, keeps you positive, happy and satisfied. Counting simplest pleasures, brings greatest joys. There is a saying by Charles Dickens," Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty, not on the past misfortunes of which all men had few". Worries really weigh very less when we start to count our blessings".
To hope for the best, with a hold of trust,
To do just and forget the rest,
To be too gentle to concern yourself,
To accept others with no criticism,
To spread the fragrance of your gentle smile,
To offer yourself to someone, for smiles,
To speak health, hope and happiness to everyone you meet,
To share someone's grief and lighten the spark of hope,
To have love in your heart for everyone,
To render a helping hand for someone,
To succeed in an adventure of knowing yourself,
To live the life of your heart's choice,
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side,
To live like there is no tomorrow,
This is what life is all about,
This is what happiness is all about.
             Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. For, every 'today', if lived well*, makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. So delight your present to  infinity and beyond. Jump with joy, fall in love, go crazy, smile often, make mistakes, cherish memories, bunk classes, tease friends, crack jokes, laugh uncontrollably, talk expressively, kiss passionately, scream spontaneously, play rigorously, As quoted by Chetan Bhagat,"We aren’t programmed devices or robots." We are humans, the feeling beings. God gave us the gift of life, it's up to us to give ourself, the gift of living well.

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Lighten the candle of happiness within yourself and help others to lighten their candle. Let’s spread the light of happiness to see how wonderful the world is :)